Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions

            Every year when the New Year begins we all talk about New Year resolutions. We all make them and we keep them for about two months. Right? Right! It is okay to agree with me I used to do the same thing…I would come say I am going to exercise more; I am going to do this and do that and so on. The past two years I decided I was not going to set myself up for failure…yes failure…think about years past and all the new year resolutions you made and how you felt after a couple of months of not keeping them. 
          First I ask yourself what New Year resolutions you made this year. Do you really think you can keep them going all year? Probably not, so why even make them? Let’s take a look at this from different perspective.
           Let’s reevaluate those resolutions and make them into simple goals something we can achieve. The first thing we want to do is pray about these goals and seek God first. If these goals/resolutions are not a part of God’s plan for us of course we will not be able to achieve them.  Next, once we have sought God and his advice, we need to reestablish those goals to meet God’s expectations of us for this year. The nice thing about goal’s we set up with God is that they can be flexible so if we find we are straying from those goals God can get us back on track or if they don’t quiet meet the plans God has for us this year we can change courses, reevaluate those goals.
          So don’t set your resolutions by what you want for you but by what God wants for you and what he expects from you. The bible is our life manual and we can find the answer to every question we have in there if we just look and look hard enough. So to find the plan God has for us look to the bible and set your goals/resolutions accordingly.
          I encourage you to look at the resolutions you made for yourself and seek God concerning them. Ask him to show you if these are “self-centered goals/resolutions” or “God centered goals/resolutions”

Happy Resolution/Goal Setting!